Part of me is still hasn't recovered from the abrupt realization that the FDA is owned/run by massive pharmaceutical companies, and when I drove by a large, almost billboard-sized sign in a local farmyard (on my way to pick up some yummy, organic, locally grown produce) telling me that the country was going the wrong way and that I should do something about it come November 6th or God help us all, I risked driving off the road as I blinked in disbelief. It was another "Seriously?!?!?!?" sort of moment.
I guess it is a sort of backwards way of saying God helps those who help themselves, but somehow I doubted that was the message intended by the sign. Perhaps I should drive back and ask.
Here was a local farmer growing food and selling it to local consumers, which is a grand and glorious thing. And yet this farmer thinks that a politician, any politician is going to improve his lot in life? Really?
When did the amnesia epidemic break out? Was it when elections weren't really won but rather decided in the courts after much wrangling and hemming and hawing and noise and bluster? Every four years, and often it only takes two years, there is all of this screaming about how those who are in office are terrible and horrible and never did anything worthwhile and we should throw the bastards out. And then if the bastards do get thrown out, they seem to only be replaced by new bastards.
Federal and possibly even state level government has ceased to be effective in any kind of widespread way. What is good for or works in Maine is not necessarily good for Nebraska or Arizona or Hawaii. It just can't be.
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